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1/2/24 ED Vancomycin - One Dose Only (Pharmacy to Dose)
January 2, 2024

From: "Holly Clark" <>
To: "Pharmacists Main UB/Central" <>, "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>
Cc: "Jeremy Ray" <>, "Kenneth Boley" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 11:18:49 AM
Subject: ED Vancomycin - One Dose Only (Pharmacy to Dose)



Effective today, the Cerner order "ED Vancomycin - One Dose Only (Pharmacy to Dose)" will be available for ED providers to utilize when they intend for pharmacists to enter a one-time, pharmacy-dosed vancomycin order. This order can be seen in the attached picture below.

This order was created to give ED providers a way to consult pharmacists on a one-time dose rather than ordering the "Vancomycin - Pharmacy to Dose" consult. ED providers typically do not intend for their orders to continue outside of the Emergency Department.

If you see that an ED provider has ordered the "Pharmacy - Vancomycin to Dose" or "vancomycin ___ mg q24h x 1 dose" consult rather than the new "ED Vancomycin" order, it is likely that they intended to order just a one-time dose. For guidance, check the MAR. If there are other antibiotics ordered as a one-time dose, this is a good indication that they did not intend to order a full vancomycin consult. When in doubt, call the provider to clarify. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions about this new order.

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