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1/2/24 New Dispense Category: LVP-Controlled Go Live
January 2, 2024

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 10:41:22 AM
Subject: New Dispense Category: LVP-Controlled Go Live 1/2/24


Earlier this year an idea was submitted through the Pharmacy Feedback/Suggestions section of FormWeb to set up narcotic drips that are dispensed from PSP to default print 2 labels upon initial verification (similar to TPN orders today).  The second label is necessary for nursing signing workflows unique to PSP for these products.


To accommodate this request, a new dispense category has been built and will be applied to a select number of narcotic continuous drips on Tuesday, January 2.  The list of drips which will be updated are included below for reference.  We are starting with a short list initially and will expand to other products once we confirm these are functioning as expected.  Thanks Brad Higginbotham for the suggestion!  Please feel free to reach out with any questions.


midazolam 100 mg INFUSION in NS PREMIX (STD)

ketamine 1000 mg INFUSION (STD) PREMIX

morphine 50 mg INFUSION PREMIX (STD)


Dilaudid (HYDROmorphone) 20 mg INFUSION (STD)

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