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07/11/17 CP -- Dextrose 50% syringe backorder PLAN

From: Chris Pamperin
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 4:07 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Dextrose 50% syringe backorder PLAN

Attachment: Dex syringe inventory during shortage

We have again exhausted our dextrose 50% syringe supply. We will return to the previous plan sent out by Becky (below/attached). PSP will make 150 syringes every Tuesday starting 7/11 and send to central pharmacy for distribution. Let me know of any questions/concerns, thank you




































----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Becky Ginn
To: grp pharmacy
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:38:07 AM
Subject: Dextrose 50% syringe backorder PLAN

At this time, this only applies to Main :

Due to the dwindling supply of our dextrose 50% syringes, PSP has begun making a weekly batch of syringes. These syringes must be loaded into Pyxis refrigerators (pocket #55) and have a 9-day expiration from when they are made. We still have a small supply of the boxed syringes that will remain mostly in non-profiled Pyxis machines.

Both the boxed and the PSP-prepared refrigerated syringes WILL HAVE THE SAME MED ID NUMBER . There will be only one type of syringe loaded in each Pyxis machine. A list, outlining which syringe is in which Pyxis, will be posted by the Main carousel, Main console tech, and the RPh check area (see attached). This list is to assure that the correct syringe goes to the correct Pyxis. TECHS: be very careful not refill/load a PSP-prepared syringe into a non-refrigerated pocket OR a boxed syringe into a refrigerator.

STOCK OUTS MUST BE REFILLED QUICKLY! The carousel tech, checking pharmacist, and rounding tech must assure that the correct syringe is sent for the stock out since these 2 types of syringes have the same Med ID number ....the stock out will spin the carousel to the PSP-prepared syringe (Refrigerator 18). If the Pyxis stocks the PSP-prepared syringe, that syringe must be sent (not the boxed syringe). The PSP-prepared syringes are stored in carousel refrigerator 18 (in the surgery tray refill area).....the boxed syringes will be located on a cart next to refrigerator 18.

A daily pick/refill report will print at 07:00 on the console printer. This list will be used by Andrea/Christina/Becky/weekend console techs to refill the dextrose syringes....we will NOT send refills from the 9 a.m. Pyxis batch!




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