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9/19/23 bw CARD Amiodarone Taper Orders - Adult
September 21, 2023

From: "brandy williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 11:35:29 AM
Subject: CARD Amiodarone Taper Orders - Adult

Amiodarone Taper Pharmacist Education


The CARD Amiodarone Taper Orders will be going live this afternoon around noon. Due to the complicated nature of a taper plan like amiodarone, pharmIT has utilized a dynamic powerplan with multiple sections in order to have these orders timed appropriately. This type of powerplan allows the ordering provider to ONLY see order options assigned for the specific timeframe in which the powerplan is being ordered. Please note that you cannot future time this powerplan as the orders will not time out correctly.
I have attached a tip sheet for you to review (NOTE: You will not be able to see the multiple sections in white/blue/purple shown on the tipsheet. This is just for your knowledge to see how the powerplan is built). Please let me know if you have any questions.
There will be two taper options available:
Option 1 provides 8.4 g of PO amiodarone 
Option 2 provides 5.6 g of PO amiodarone 

TOC pharmacists - The dosing instructions in the comments should cross over to discharge instructions. Please let me know if anything needs to be addressed. 

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