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9/14/23 jh 03 MRNs/encounters for Helen Keller/Red Bay patients
September 21, 2023

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>, "pharmtech supervisors" <>, "patricia ferrera" <>, "Curtney Serrant" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:11:13 AM
Subject: 03 MRNs/encounters for Helen Keller/Red Bay patients

Hey all,

 Pharmacists have been seeking clarification regarding when they need to allocate time for reviewing MRNs that begin with '03' for Helen Keller/Red Bay patients.

 IT intends to configure access in a way that Pharmacist users will not encounter these '03' MRNs/encounters at all when conducting patient searches in either Powerchart or MedManager. You should never come across any orders associated with these profiles on the PPM, nor should you find these patients on tracking boards or task lists.

The statement on the Pulse page remains pertinent for any staff involved in the registration process. If any pharmacy staff do happen to encounter an '03' MRN as part of their regular duties, it is appropriate to report it to PharmIT. However, based on our testing, it should not be selectable or viewable in any way.


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