Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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9/8/23 bb Resident Weekend Staffing Expectations
September 21, 2023

From: "Brian Boyett" <>
To: "Pharmacists Main UB/Central" <>, "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 3:19:45 PM
Subject: Resident Weekend Staffing Expectations

I wanted to briefly explain the expectations we have for residents staffing on the weekends. As you probably know, two residents staff each weekend and they alternate between staffing a UB position and the Central 3 position. Each weekend will have two hybrids that serve as Supporting Preceptors for the resident's longitudinal Order Management and Drug Distribution rotation. While all pharmacists are not serving in a formal preceptor role, all pharmacists are expected to be role models and coaches for the residents. Please provide feedback to the residents when you are working with them and/or communicate with the Supporting Preceptors on your weekend so that they can provide feedback throughout their residency.

Supporting Preceptors:
  • Weekend 1: Alexis, Lindsay H.
  • Weekend 2: Lynsi V., Morgan
  • Weekend 3: Hannah G., Brandy

Resident Expectations:
UB: The first time the residents are staffing their UB position they will be assigned to sit with an experienced pharmacist who can answer questions and help facilitate a smooth transition from training to independently staffing. After that they can choose to sit with an experienced UB or sit in their office. While UBs are not expected to perform a formal hand-off to 2nd shift unless there is something important to communicate, the residents are expected to perform a hand-off to 2nd shift after every shift. This will ensure that, as they are learning, things do not get missed. 

Central 3: When the residents are working the Central 3 position, their primary responsibility is checking products (batches, stock outs, first doses, fluids etc). Their secondary responsibility is to assist with phone calls and order verification. They are encouraged to ask questions and gain exposure to orders and clinical issues they have not yet encountered. Please be patient with them and help facilitate their learning including how they should prioritize issues in central pharmacy. 

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