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07/07/17 RC -- Specialty Pharmacy Lecture Scheduled for July 14th

Whitney White, Pharm.D, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at McWhorter School of Pharmacy, Samford Univ. and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Adult Medicine at St Vincent's Hospital, Birmingham, will present a lecture titled "Health System Trends in How Specialty Pharmacy Drugs Are Managed".  Whitney is a past PGY1 resident at Huntsville Hospital (2008-09) and currently is President of Alabama Society of HS Pharmacists.  This program will be held on Fri. July 14th, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm in room 119B/C at Corporate University,  and highlights cost-containing strategies with these very expensive agents, such as the utilization and administration of specialty drugs.  Lunch will NOT be provided, but feel free to take your own lunch to the lecture.  The lecture is sponsored by Abbvie Pharmaceuticals, via Amanda Moore, Drug Rep and no CE credit is available for attending.  There is no pre-registration, but attendees will be asked to sign in on a roster when entering.  Plan on attending, bring your lunch, and network with Whitney and colleagues. The room will be available to pharmacy from 11 am to 1 pm.   For additional information, contact Richard Cramer at x 58284.

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