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8/21/23 jh Hiding old, inactive PowerPlans (or Regimens) under Orders
September 5, 2023

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 1:01:31 PM
Subject: Hiding old, inactive PowerPlans (or Regimens) under Orders

Hey all,

This is one of those random Cerner things that might be good to know.  Thank you to Mickala for mentioning it a couple months ago!  Do you have a patient who’s been here a long time and want to filter off old, inactive PowerPlans under Orders (e.g. Completed, Voided, Discontinued)?


If you left-click the Orders filter under any Display (e.g. All Active Orders), click on the link “Inactive Plan Filter” and change it to whatever desired (e.g. 7 days back).  It should remember that moving forward for all displays.  You just want to remember what you have it set to because I don’t know it will state it anywhere (e.g. those doing a med safety investigation might have to remember to toggle it back to all days).


This setting could be adjusted to a default number for all pharmacists, so please let me know if have such a preference.  Otherwise, for now it is up to you although I probably wouldn’t do much less than 5 days.


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