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7/18/23 bb Call Center Phone Triage Algorithm
July 21, 2023

From: "Brian Boyett" <>
To: "Pharmacists Main UB/Central" <>, "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 12:44:49 PM
Subject: Call Center Phone Triage Algorithm

Hannah and I have created a decision tree (attached) that will direct the call center/central technicians during first shift if the pharmacist they are trying to reach is either currently on the phone or are unable to take the call for whatever reason. I wanted all pharmacists to be aware of the process. 

See the attached decision tree for details but I will briefly go over the highlights:
  • If the UB/Clin Spec is on the phone or unable to take the call, the call center technician will tell the caller that that patient's pharmacist is currently unavailable and will ask if it is an urgent matter that needs to be addressed by another pharmacist or if their pharmacist can call them back
  • If it is an urgent matter or emergency, the call center will contact the UB counterpart (see deployment form on FormWeb). If the UB counterpart is also unavailable, the call center will contact central pharmacy.
  • If it is not an urgent matter, the call center will give the caller three options: 1) Take a call back number 2) Caller may page pharmacist in Aionex 3) Call center may give caller the direct ASCOM # of their pharmacist to call back at a later time
  • If option #1 is chosen, the call center may either call the UB later with the call back number or they will page your ASCOM with the message. 
Hopefully this will clarify and streamline the process. If you have any questions or experience any issues with this process please let Hannah or I know. 

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