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7/3/23 bb New Pharmacist Training Info
July 21, 2023

From: "Brian Boyett" <>

Subject: New Pharmacist Training Info

As you all know, we have just entered into the training season. We have revamped some of our training and so I wanted to send out something informing everyone of the training plan since most of you will be training new pharmacists or residents in the coming months.
  1. UB and PKS/NSS half days: You will notice that for the first few days of UB training, the trainee will have a half day (morning) with UB and then a half day (afternoon) with a Clin Spec for PKS/NSS training. This allows more time for the trainee to talk through consults without bogging down the UB too much during the shift. While you are still expected to work on your consults, we do not want this to be your only focus during the morning UB training. For residents, the Clin Spec will give the trainee a TPN to start looking at in the morning (IF there is downtime) but NSS training will be the focus of the afternoon. If there is a PKS consult that has to wait until the afternoon, the Clin Spec and the trainee can finish those up as well. It will be important for pharmacists to utilize their counterparts to spread the consult load. Please help each other out. If you do not have many consults but your counterpart has >5, please reach out to them and offer to take some. Please communicate with each other during this chaotic time. 
  2. Training Checklists: We have developed training checklists for Central, ICU orientation, 1st Shift UB, 2nd Shift UB, the Q area, and TOC. The trainee will keep up with the checklists and the trainer can sign off as items are covered. This will ensure that as trainees bounce around to different trainers, the important training points are covered. In addition to the checklist there is a more in depth training manual that we will link on FormWeb (link provided below). These are a work in progress so if you find something that you think is important to add to the checklist or training manual, write it down and let me, Alexis, or Morgan know. 
  3. Limited Space: We have several weeks where every UB position is training new pharmacists. This obviously creates an issue with computer space. We have extra computers in the front office of the new Q area (2 work stations), my office (3 new work stations), 5th floor office by the microwave (2 work stations. NOTE: pharmacist training takes priority over student activities), Sivley Office (2 extra work stations), resident offices when they are not occupied (6-8 work stations), and the 2nd floor pharmacy office in AM (4 work stations). I also have a new laptop in my office (with several more on the way) which can also be utilized if needed. Please continue to be patient and flexible and let me know as issues arise. 
  4. Resident Weekends: The goal is to have residents train on 3 weekends. The first two will be true training (modeling and coaching). The third weekend, the resident will be staffing but will be assigned an experienced pharmacist to sit with. This will allow the resident to work towards staffing independently while having an experienced pharmacist there to facilitate and answer questions. Hopefully this will get the residents into the weekend rotation quickly. 
Thanks for all you guys do to help train and mentor new pharmacists and residents.

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