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6/23/23 bb UB Deployment and Counterpart Change 6/27/23
July 21, 2023

From: "Brian Boyett" <>

Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 10:39:16 AM
Subject: UB Deployment and Counterpart Change 6/27/23

As I mentioned in Huddle yesterday, this upcoming Tuesday6/27/23, 5NW med unit and 3NE admissions are moving to 5NE permanently. They plan to keep the admissions patients in set rooms, but those rooms are unknown at this point. All patients will be considered 5NE patients regardless of room number. This move will require some changes to PPMs, patient lists, and distribution of verification responsibilities. Please note that one major change is that the UB7 will now be affected by the collapsed scheduled.
Effective 6/27/23, UB verification responsibilities will be as follows:
  • UB1: 3ST, 4ST, 5ST
  • UB2: 2E, 2W, 2ST, 7T, *3NE (*4E)
  • UB3: 3E, 3W, CSSM, SHRU, CATH
  • UB4: 4E, 4W, 4N, 4NW 
  • UB5: 5E, 5W, 5NE, *5NW
  • UB6: 6N, 6W, 6MST (*4W)
  • UB7: 7N, 7E, 7W, HOTP/HOTR (*4NW)
  • UB8: 7NW, 8N, 5MST, *8MST (*4N)
    *When UB4 is collapsed
    *Empty units
Effective 6/27/23, we will also return the UB counterpart/lunch coverage to it's previous form:
  • UB1 ↔ UB8
  • UB2 ↔ UB6
  • UB3 ↔ UB5
  • UB4 ↔ UB7
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 


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