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6/9/23 nm Heparin and TPA
July 21, 2023

From: "Nellie McKee" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 2:11:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: Heparin and TPA
See below in those of you that might have to verify orders for Organ Donation. I will look into having these added to the LOH power plan but in the meantime incase you get a 'weird' looking order. 

This would be for those patients not brain dead yet but going to the OR to extubate and if they die then harvested; DCD (donor after cardiac death) Before when we have ordered this we sent the vials/meds to the OR for them to mix and use if the patient 'passes' before the hour is up.

Let me know if you have any questions. It would be rare you see this but I do know of two patients in 2023.


From: "Dunaway, Laura L" <>
To: "nellie mckee" <>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 1:35:25 PM
Subject: Heparin and TPA
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Hey Nellie, 

So sorry for the delay in getting you this info. Below are our orders for TPA and Heparin for our Liver and Kidney DCD patients. This wont be used in every situation but I love the idea of having it in the system to make it readily available/identifiable for when the situation arises. 


At the bedside: 600u/kg Heparin IV Push (30,000 units MAX dose) by RN at time of withdrawal

In the OR: TPA stroke protocol (1mg/10kg) divided in 2L warm normal saline – flushed in AORTA

                  5000 units Heparin in each liter bag of preservation solution (4 total: 2 aortic, 2 portal)


Please reach out with any other questions or suggestions that you see as they come up!

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