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6/12/23 aa Update: AZTreonam 1 g/2 g from IV Push to IV Piggyback 6/12/23
June 12, 2023

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 8:16:32 AM
Subject: Update: AZTreonam 1 g/2 g from IV Push to IV Piggyback 6/12/23


In an attempt to be consistent across all facilities in the Health System, we received a request to update AZTreonam 1 g and 2 g doses so that they are administered IV Piggyback instead of IV Push.


Below is a list of Powerplans that contain IV Push sentences for AZTreonam/Azactam.  Of note, Sepsis Advisor sentences already default as IV Piggyback route.


These changes have been implemented in PROD today (Monday, June 12). Please let us know if you experience any issues with this change.  Thank you.



ED Cellulitis/Diabetic Foot Wound

GYNONC Periop Phased

HOSP Adult Febrile Neutropenia

ID Adult Skin and Soft Tissue Infection



CTSURG Esophageal Addendum Post

CTSURG Thoracic Surgery PeriOp Phased

CTSURG Thoracic Surgery PostOp

CVSURG Cardiovascular Surgery PeriOp Phased

CVSURG Cardiovascular Surgery PostOp

ID Discharge Parenteral Antibiotics

ID Moderate Pneumonia with High Pseudomonas Risk

ID Severe Pneumonia with high MRSA Risk

ID Severe Pneumonia with High Pseudomonas Risk

ID Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

PEDPULM Cystic Fibrosis Admission


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