Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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5/16/23 jh Google Chrome Web bookmarks for Main Campus Pharmacists: Update to Adult Vancomycin Calculator Version 23.05.01
June 1, 2023

From: Joseph Ho []
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 1:57 PM
Cc: Riley Jackson; Franklin Smock
Subject: RE: Google Chrome web bookmarks for Main Campus pharmacists; update to Adult Vancomycin Calculator version 23.05.01

Hey everyone,

Riley adjusted the Vancomycin calculator to fix an issue where ‘Use Obesity Estimates’ was engaged and the calculator still copied the obesity estimates even after the dose/interval was changed.  To address this, the calculator now locks all of Step 1 and Step 2 except for the loading dose when engaging Use Obesity Estimates. This makes it either truly using the estimates or doing your own dosing without the bolded text.  Thank you to Brittany Berger for bringing this to our attention, and to Riley for his help.


 Please update your Vancomycin files/bookmarks at your earliest convenience!  The file now posted to FormWeb (PKS and AMT subpages) and the Shared drive is correct, along with the Chrome bookmark file.  We previously named Vanc Excel files with their version number, but moving forward we’re just naming the file “Adult Vancomycin Calculator” and we’ve moved the version number into the file itself.  This avoids breaking any links/bookmarks moving forward.


Because of the update, any old Chrome bookmarks for the Adult Vanc calculator will no longer work.  You can either go to the shared drive S:\PHARMACY-SHARED\Pharmacist Chrome Bookmarks and run the file “Import Bookmarks - Chrome ONLY.bat” again, or just Edit the bookmark to:

If you have any questions/issues, or if you need help finding your Chrome bookmarks before making the change (your previous bookmarks are always backed up when using the file), please reach out to me.

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