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4/27/23 ka HHM Lunch Code Blue Coverage - Pilot starting MAY 1st
May 17, 2023

From: "Kathryn Adcock" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 3:28:27 PM
Subject: HHM Lunch Code Blue Coverage - Pilot starting MAY 1st

Based on feedback from the Shared Governance Group for Codes, we will be doing a pilot for the month of May to cover code blues for 1st shift UBs during their lunch period (1100-1315). The Critical Care PGY2s will be responsible for going to code blues at HHM & Sivley Tower during this time. Should they not be available, they will have a Clinical Specialist cover. 
This will not change the practice of central pharmacy bringing the code bag. The PGY1 resident on "code month" should still be present as well. 

A calendar as been created for coverage. The PGY2 will be responsible for discussing with a clinical specialist or hybrid if they need backup. During the pilot, it may be best practice for clinical specialists to pull up the calendar if a code blue is called during this time. It can be found in the following location:
PHARMACY-SHARED>1Resident Lunch Code Coverage

Please reach out to myself, Sharon, or Mary if you have any questions or concerns.

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