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07/03/17 DC -- epi vials

From: David Collette
To: Pharmacy
Cc: Nurse Managers
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2017 10:39:02 AM
Subject: epi vials

There is a critical national backorder of epinephrine. One of the products we previously used was available in 30 mL vials and was specifically labeled for IV use, but it is no longer available. We are currently able to obtain 30 mL epi vials from another manufacturer, but they are labeled "for IM/sub-q use only." We have reviewed the inactive ingredients in this product and concluded that it is safe for IV use when diluted (as was done with the previous product).

We have asked P&T for approval to use this product "off label" for IV administration, but with the long holiday weekend, it may take a few days to get the needed responses. In the meantime, you may see this "IM/SQ" product in use for IV administration since the 30 mL "IV only" product is no longer available.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. DAVID
David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

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