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3/23/23 jr Heart Alert Process Change
April 18, 2023

From: "Jeremy Ray" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 1:37:08 PM
Subject: Heart Alert Process Changes

Due to changes to the heart alert process Angiomax kits are being removed from the heart alert boxes. The heart alert power plan has been updated to suppress the Angiomax order but it can still be ordered. It can also be ordered outside of the power plan if needed. We will pilot a new response process starting Monday March 27th. In the new process the ED and ED2 positions will continue to respond to heart alerts due to the critical nature of these patients. Between the hours of 11PM - 7AM a pharmacist will not need to respond in person but will need to be available if contacted by the ED or Cardiology for a complicated patient.

Let me know of questions or issues.

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