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3/17/23 sh B&O (belladonna and opium) Suppository - Manufacturer Discontinuation
March 20, 2023

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 4:00:01 PM
Subject: B&O (belladonna and opium) Suppository - Manufacturer Discontinuation
The information below has been sent out the the medical staff.

B&O (belladonna and opium) suppositories have been discontinued by the sole manufacturer and are no longer available to purchase. As a result, B&O suppositories will no longer be available for use beginning 4/5/2023.

Suggested alternatives for ureteral/bladder spasms are listed below:
hyoscyamine Oral 0.25 mg q 6hrs PRN
oxybutynin Oral 5 mg q 6hrs PRN
phenazopyridine Oral 200 mg three times daily PRN
tamsulosin Oral 0.4 mg once daily
tolterodine Oral 2 mg twice daily
Please contact your pharmacist if you have any questions.

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