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3/15/23 gk Update to PKS/NSS Dashboard
March 20, 2023

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 12:28:35 PM
Subject: Update to PKS/NSS Dashboard
Aaron has improved the PKS/NSS dashboard to allow multiple users to update it at the same time.  Used to be, only one person at a time could make changes, and everyone else was 'read only'.  Aaron has also included a notes column (column C), making it more clear where folks should denote they took/gave X number of tasks away.  This helps others know if assistance is still needed.  Remember to Save the dashboard when you make changes.  

Along these same lines, remember that each UB has a counterpart they can call on to assist with PKS task overload.  If your counterpart already has a full load, feel free to call others whose task list is light.  If no UB is available to help, see attached document for the next level of assistance from a clin spec.  This document will be loaded on FormWeb shortly.

Let me know of any issues with the above.  Recent listening-sessions have identified consult issues that need to be addressed, and a self-governance team is being developed.  You may be asked to be on the team, and will certainly be encouraged to provide input through your peer that is on the team.  More details to follow.

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