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3/8/23 dc Revised communication
March 9, 2023

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Buyers" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 10:28:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: Revised communication
Please note below. Logistics is nearly out of the 1L irrigation bottles of saline and sterile water. They may need to begin sending NS bags (with or without a diffuser) to various units for irrigation use. They had originally planned to also send sterile water for irrigation in 1L bags, but we stopped this before it happened due to the extreme consequences that could occur if additive-free sterile water was inadvertently infused into a patient. Just in case someone in Logistics accidentally sends a Sterile Water 1L bag to a unit, please add this to the list for your daily med room check-ins and let me know immediately if found.

Also, you may see nurses using prefilled saline flushes to irrigate some very small wounds; additionally, they may draw up sterile water or NS from the vials used for reconstitution to irrigate small wounds. This is fine, but may lead to some questions for our pharmacists.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

P.S. - No guarantees, but Fox Army Hospital is having their TJC survey this week. Someone from that team could spend the weekend in the area and be here with the rest of the team on Monday (that happened when Athens-Limestone was surveyed and they showed up at Crestwood the next week!). Let's stay SURVEY READY!

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