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3/7/23 je Infectious Diseases Restricted Medications - ADULTS ONLY
March 9, 2023

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 9:11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Infectious Diseases Restricted Medications - ADULTS ONLY


We have recently had several new infectious diseases (ID) providers begin practicing within our system. Sometimes this can lead to confusion as to who can order ID restricted agents.  I will list below all physicians and nurse practitioners that have ID privileges and can write for ID restricted antimicrobials below.  



Christopher Achord, CRNP Andres Gutierrez, MD Kimberly Morris, CRNP Hafsa Siddiqui, MD
Samir Allos, MD Ali Hassoun, MD Scott Parker, MD Paige Slater, CRNP
Zohra Chaudhry, MD Kelsey Ivey, MD Tommy Parraga, MD Riddhi Sutton, CRNP
Paula Debroy, MD Ramsha Khan, CRNP Ingrid Roig-Rojas, MD Claudia Taramona, MD
Lisa Green, CRNP Sharad Malavade, MD Morgan Scully, MD Tracy Porter Valenzuela, CRNP



Please see the list below of commonly used medications that are restricted to ID. This is NOT an exhaustive list and will not be updated when new agents are added or removed. If you have a question about the restriction status of any medication, please consult FormWeb to determine if the agent in question requires an ID consult.  


baricitinib* daptomycin molnupiravir
ceftaroline (non - skin and skin structure infections) eravacycline oritavancin
ceftazidime* isavuconazole posaconazole*
ceftazidime - avibactam meropenem* remdesivir*
ceftolozane - tazobactam meropenem - vaborbactam telavancin
dalbavancin minocycline (IV only)  

*NOT restricted to ID only, may be ordered by other specialists (Ex. pediatrics, critical care, oncology, etc.) see FormWeb for specific specialty that can order outside of ID


If you have any questions, please contact AMT!


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