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2/10/23 dc More info on respiratory meds
February 13, 2023

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Buyers" <>
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 10:39:33 AM
Subject: more info on respiratory meds
The info listed below was approved by medical leadership on a call last evening. Respiratory Therapy has been approved to make these changes after their assessment; additionally they will be making other changes as approved by MEC (see attached).
A. Discontinue all standing orders of nebulized bronchodilators on routine admissions and routine Inbuilt power plans in Cerner
B. Discontinue nebulized bronchodilators for chronic and stable pulmonary diseases. Patient can bring their home treatments and they can be continued in the hospital
C. For mild respiratory issues and distress, consider using alternate such as inhalers and Other nebulized treatments.
D. Restrict use of Duonebs, albuterol nebs, levalbuterol nebs. For moderate to severe respiratory distress and illnesses. As patients improve, consider early transition to inhalers and substitute medicines
E. Consult with pharmacist and pulmonologist for recommended substitutions and should you have any other questions
As stated in yesterday's email, you will see MANY changes made by RT and it is OK to verify them unless they are clearly inappropriate.
We are stocking up on albuterol inhalers and (to the extent possible) levalbuterol nebs. These efforts are making a difference as use of the nebs has dropped dramatically. I am available all weekend if there are questions or problems...please do not hesitate to call.

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