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2/3/23 sh OMNIPAQUE for ADULT Oral Contrast
February 6, 2023

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>, "All Unit Directors" <>, "Charge Nurses" <>
Cc: "Rhonda Atchley" <>, "Mark Sims" <>, "Kim Lamb, Imaging" <>
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2023 1:33:33 PM
Subject: OMNIPAQUE for ADULT Oral Contrast
All presentations of Omnipaque 240 mg/mL remain on backorder and in critically low supply. 

Effective immediately, the Pharmacy Department will begin supplying Omnipaque 350 mg/mL 35 mL bottles as a substitute for Omnipaque 240 mg/mL 50 mL bottles for use with ADULT ORAL contrast orders at HH Main and HH W&C.  

35 mL of Omnipaque 350 mg/mL is equivalent to 50 mL of Omnipaque 240 mg/mL and must be diluted in 32 ounces of beverage prior to ORAL administration. 

Cerner powerplans have been updated to reflect this change. 

Omnipaque 350 mg/mL 35 mL bottles will be loaded in the following high use Pyxis devices: RADNSG-2, EDPODA, EDPODD, 4E-M, 4W-M, 4NWM, SICU_12-19, and WC_RADNSG. Central Pharmacy will tube a bottle upon pharmacist verification for all other locations as needed. The Radiology Department will also keep a small supply as floorstock.

No changes have been made to pediatric oral contrast orders. Omnipaque 240 mg/mL will continue to be used in pediatrics. 

Please contact me or the Radiology Department if you have questions.

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