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1/20/23 ks Changes to C-V Vimpat and Lomotil: Effective 1/24/23
January 23, 2023

From: "Katie Stromei" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>, "Clinical Nurse Specialists" <>, "Education Council" <>, "All Unit Directors" <>
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2023 10:07:32 AM
Subject: Changes to C-V Vimpat and Lomotil: Effective 1/24/23
Good morning,

Pharmacy is making some changes in how we handle two of our C-V controlled substances.  Currently, lacosamide (Vimpat) IV vials and diphenoxylate-atropine (Lomotil, Lonox) tablets and oral solution cups are stored among other non-controlled substances in the pharmacy. To be in better alignment with best practices regarding our controlled substances, we are changing how we handle and store these medications.  They will now be treated as our other controlled substances.

This change will involve moving them to more secure storage. Within the pharmacy, this means transferring the medications to our CIISafe.  In the medication rooms, these medications will require a blind count upon Pyxis removal. Additionally, these medications will no longer be tubed to the floors, but will need to be signed for by nursing when picking up or receiving these medications.  Also, witnessing of any waste will be required.

We appreciate your assistance as we begin this change effective Tuesday, January 24, 2023.

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