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1/9/23 sh Paxlovid - Inpatient Pharmacy Dispensing to Resume 1/11/2023
January 10, 2023

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 3:14:21 PM
Subject: Paxlovid - Inpatient Pharmacy Dispensing to Resume 1/11/2023
On 1/11/2023, our inpatient pharmacies (HHM, HHWC, and MH) will take over PAXLOVID dispensing responsibilities for inpatients. HH Outpatient Pharmacy will no longer be responsible for supplying PAXLOVID to patients for hospital use. 
Key Points:
  • Paxlovid will be dispensed in its original packaging with a copy of the required patient fact sheet.
  • Each package will contain a full 5 day course of therapy.
    • RENAL dose packs contain one 150 mg nirmaltrelvir and one 100 mg ritonavir tablets twice daily for 5 days
    • STANDARD dose packs contain two 150 mg nirmaltrelvir and one 100 mg ritonavir tablets twice daily for 5 days
  • Paxlovid should be stored out of sight in the patient's room and should be transferred with the patient anytime they are moved to a new unit.
  • For both STANDARD and RENAL dose packs, the nurse will need to scan the barcode on the package at the bedside prior to administration. 
  • Patients should swallow Paxlovid tablets whole. Do not crush, break, or chew.
  • Any remaining doses of Paxlovid should be sent home with the patient at discharge. 
  • Patients who started Paxlovid prior to hospital admission should use their own supply of drug if it is to be continued in the hospital.

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