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12/20/22 jh Update to PKS Lab sentences in Cerner
December 29, 2022

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Aaron Atkins" <>, "Gregg Knowles" <>, "Michele Durda" <>, "Morgan Sellars" <>, "Jonathan Edwards" <>, "Madeline Belk" <>, "Blain Thayer" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 3:33:33 PM
Subject: Update to PKS Lab sentences in Cerner

Hey all!

With approval from Lab, PharmIT has updated our order sentences for PKS Labs so they are more consistent: ProtimeVancomycinGentamicin, and Tobramycin.  We will also be building new orders+sentences for Amikacin that will accommodate lab’s send-out needs.

The changes will ensure there are Peak, Trough, and “Random” options for all PKS drugs.  We replaced Routine sentences with Timed Study so that the correct time can be entered, and added AM Draw options.

For INR, we also renamed Protime to Protime/INR so that typing “Protime” or “INR” makes the inpatient option appear.  And we updated it to have sentences for STAT INR and AM Draw.

Thanks to Aaron Atkins, Morgan, and Blain/AMT for their assistance!

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or additional input regarding this change. 



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