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12/7/22 gk Detail screen on modified TPN orders
December 20, 2022

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 2:06:56 PM
Subject: Detail screen on modified TPN orders

To all,

Reminder that when you use the Modify action to make an adjustment to a TPN, the detail screen defaults to zero in the Initial Doses field, meaning no labels will print in PSP.  This is done on purpose to prevent labels from printing should an MD make a rate change to a TPN. 

We recently had an event where PSP called the RPh to make a minor change to a TPN label, the RPh modified the order but did not change the Initial Dose field to two, so no labels printed.  In the meantime, PSP had tossed the old label, and were not aware a replacement label did not print.  It was very late in the day when it was realized no TPN had been made for this patient.  PSP is changing their process.  In the future, when a label is no longer needed, PSP will make a note on the label that they are awaiting a new label and they will hold onto that label until the new label is printed.  For our part, be careful when modifying a TPN, and use the Initial Doses field appropriately.

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