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12/15/22 jh Minor Update on Cerner Issue: home medication (External Rx History) importing as subcutaneous insulin pump
December 16, 2022

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "grp pharmacy" <>
Cc: "pharmacy it group" <>, "tiffany trainer" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 2:13:07 PM
Subject: Minor update on Cerner issue: home medication (External Rx History) importing as subcutaneous insulin pump

Hey all,


Just wanted to give a minor update on the Cerner issue when Importing home medications from the External Rx History (Surescripts query), in case you field questions  or are wondering why it appears less common, but still occurs.

As many of you have seen, if someone uses the Add As buttons within External Rx History to import an outpatient medication into the home med list, it sometimes doesn’t cross over correctly.  To reduce confusion, we have these cross over as an “Other Prescription” record, but still recommend replacing these with proper home medication sentences whenever possible.  Bottom line: we always recommend being careful when importing home meds.

There was a bug where instead of going to “Other Prescription”, the medication would cross over as “subcutaneous insulin pump” aka Animas OneTouch Ping Insulin Pump, between 3/10/2021 - 6/22/2022 (see below Norvasc example).  This was a lot more confusing than the “Other Prescription” record.  Based on recent tests, we believe Cerner corrected the issue this past June, but have struggled to delete the bad data generated over that 15-month span.  Although the bad data is never really purged from our system, it does appear that new prescription fill records can “override” old ones, so hopefully you should see fewer and fewer medications import over this way as time passes.

We are grateful for all the work you do to ensure home medications are listed correctly, and would like to thank the many pharmacy staff who have reported this issue over the past 2 years, among them Sandy Cobble, Val White, Lee Alexander, Julie Jacob, Madi Ahlschlager, Kellsey Tucker, Samantha Straits, Sarah Elizabeth Davis, and others.  We will try to update if we are able to purge our system of the insulin pump records, and if there is any change in Cerner import behavior.

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