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12/1/22 ch Please use updated adult vancomycin excel sheet
December 6, 2022

From: "Cara Hill" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 11:56:18 AM
Subject: Please use updated adult vancomycin excel sheet


Hey everyone,

There have been some cases where an older version of the vancomycin excel sheet has been used, resulting in the additional calculator data being left out of the chart pasted into the progress note.

Please make sure you are using the most current adult vancomycin excel sheet (updated on 10/26) when completing consults. If you have the previous version of the vancomycin excel sheet saved to your desktop, please replace it with the updated version -- I've attached the excel sheet to this email to make it easier. The link on FormWeb remains up to date.

The updated excel sheet copies over additional calculator data to better assist pharmacists who are assessing a regimen started by another pharmacist (refer to details in email below).

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