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12/6/22 aa HOTP/HOTR Units at HH Main Opening Today 12/6/22
December 6, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10:20:47 AM
Subject: HOTP/HOTR Units at HH Main Opening Today


As of this morning, HOTP/HOTR at HH Main have been opened to accept ED Hold patients.  Please see communication below regarding details of coverage for these units:


The UB 7 will be assigned HOTP and HOTR patients Monday-Friday. The HH Main UB 7 PPM, Patient List, and PKS Dashboard have been updated. This includes order verification, PKS consults, and Sentri7s (excludes profile reviewing) for HOTP and HOTR patients. Based on current PPMs, these patients will also be in the HH Main T t Q, HH Main Midnights, and HH Main ALL no OPM for our evening positions. Refer to the deployment documents on formweb for full details. 


For the weekends, order verification and consults will remain with the Central positions (T, t, te, Qw). Sentri7s have been tasked to the UB 4. 


NSS has been assigned to the CCU position (CCUw on weekends).

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