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12/5/22 cs HHM TVPC Pain Pump Workflow Updates
December 6, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 9:41:02 AM
Subject: HHM TVPC Pain Pump Workflow Updates

Attached you will find the updated workflow to our pain pump process. These updates were established through the help of the Pain Center and OPM pharmacists in response to a few QRRs that have occurred in recent months.

To establish verification expectations with pain pumps, the OPM pharmacists will primarily be entering these orders throughout their shift. In the event a pain pump consult is ordered after the OPM pharmacist's shift has ended (after 3pm), the expectation is that the order can remain for the next day's OPM pharmacist to enter. These consults are low priority and typically have start dates that are several days to weeks out. 

If you fell comfortable entering a pain pump after hours and the volume of orders allows you to handle it, you can certainly enter that order, but know it can remain for the OPM pharmacist to enter the next day. Remember to take a S.T.A.R. moment once these consults are entered. 

Updated Workflow Topics in Red:
  1. Max volume per syringe is 20 mL
  2. "Nursing Device Interrogation" documentation in Cerner can be used for a double check on concentrations
  3. PC to confirm FIN numbers with Sterile Products/PC to place priority on pump consult if patient at clinic
2nd Shift Expectations:
  • Leave the pain pump "Consult to Pharmacy" for the OPM pharmacist to enter the next day
  • Not prohibited to enter them if comfortable with this type of Consult and if other priority tasks are minimal
Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be working to get this updated workflow to PC binders this week.  

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