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11/18/22 bs new EVS cleaning process for dispensing areas
November 21, 2022

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 4:09:56 PM
Subject: new EVS cleaning process for dispensing areas


EVS has offered a new plan for cleaning in central pharmacy, PSP, outpatient pharmacy, and HHWC pharmacy. 

In addition to their current services, EVS is providing a person dedicated to the pharmacy dispensing areas noted above. Her name is Tiffany and she'll work 8-4 M-F, rotating between each of the areas. Next week will serve as an orientation/holiday week, then she'll officially start on 11/28. 

We're very fortunate to have this opportunity and I ask that you please be welcoming and helpful. It is often busy in each of the locations and you may feel that you aren't able to step away so your area can be cleaned. If/when it's requested for you to scoot so your area can be attended to, please be willing to give her a moment to clean, even if you ask her to come back in just a few minutes. 
Tiffany's travel schedule can be tweaked somewhat to avoid the busiest times in each area, so please let your supervisor know if your having difficulties with the cleaning at a certain time.
Other EVS employees will continue to get trash on 2nd shift, pick up sharps and green waste, and other activities, so there will be several people still coming around to assist. Please be patient while they work out the details on their end. 
Thank you in advance for your patience with the new process and for welcoming Tiffany to pharmacy!

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