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11/15/22 aa BULK Medication Label change 11/16/22
November 17, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Amy Pope" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 9:32:11 AM
Subject: BULK Medication Label change 11/16/22

The Alabama Board of Pharmacy regulations state that no medications can be send home with an inpatient. However, they've recently approved to change the language to allow "bulk medications for a single patient" to be permitted to leave the hospital with a patient if the product is properly labeled. While the regulation has not been approved by the legislature yet, it is expected to be approved in the upcoming months. 


We planned to not make any changes until the new ALBOP language is official; however, there was an incident recently where a nurse wouldn't send a patient's own med home because the labeling stated to not send home. After discussing with nursing leadership, it was decided to change the language on the label back to how it was previously, considering that ALBOP has noted in their meeting minutes that they unanimously agreed to adopt the new language. Changing the label verbiage will help prevent errors like the one that has occurred, and it should make the current ED label situation much easier. 


Effective Wednesday 11/16the BULK label will be updated to reflect this change and permit these products to be sent home with the patient.  Additionally, albuterol inhalers will be updated so that the default dispense category is BULK instead of PASSMED.  Please let us know if you encounter any issues following this change.  Thank you.

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