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11/2/22 md Titration Guidelines Updates - 2022
November 3, 2022

From: "Michele Durda" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 12:54:51 PM
Subject: Titration Guidelines Updates - 2022

Titration Guidelines Update Summary for Pharmacists

The titration guidelines have been extensively updated for 2022 to accommodate Joint Commission requirements related to titration.

I have attached a summary document that provides tips on verifying infusions addressed by the guidelines. The document also summarizes some of the big changes related to TJC (block charting, multimodal titration, paused infusions)

Please take a minute to review this document and let me know if you have any questions. Titrations are a major focus of TJC right now so there will be a lot of scrutiny on these orders.

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