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10/26/22 aa IVIG: Default Dose Weight Calculation Algorithm Go-Live 11/1/22
November 3, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 2:32:37 PM
Subject: RE: IVIG: Default Dose Weight Calculation Algorithm Go-Live 11/1/22

Additional note: this default weight calculation algorithm will only apply to IVIG orders entered for patients located in HBH/HH Main/HWC/MH facilities.  It will not apply to Outpatient Medical (OPM) or other facilities.


From: Aaron Atkins []
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 1:21 PM
To: Pharmacists
Subject: IVIG: Default Dose Weight Calculation Algorithm Go-Live 11/1/22


Effective Tuesday, November 1, 2022, when the dosing calculator is called for Adult IVIG Synonyms orders in Powerchart, a default “IVIG Weight Calculation” algorithm will be applied to use a correct weight calculation method based on the patient’s Ideal Body Weight (IBW) Ratio.  While the default Adjustment Type will display as “Adjusted Body Weight” in the calculator, please know that the Adjusted/IBW/Actual Body Weight will actually be utilized with the calculation method based on patient IBW Ratio.  This is outlined in dosage calculator screenshots included below. 


Please note that this method will only be used when the dosing calculator is called by a dose/weight order (ex. mg/kg or g/kg).  If a standard set dose (ex. in grams) is entered for the order, the dosing calculator is not called and, therefore, this calculation method will not be applied.


Please let us know if you have any questions about this new algorithm or run into any issues with its use after go-live.  Thank you.



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