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10/21/22 aa Cerner/Data Reports
October 24, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>
Cc: "Travis Ball" <>, "Katie Varner" <>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 2:19:25 PM
Subject: Cerner Data/Reports


Earlier this year myself, Travis, and Katie received training with a Cerner reporting tool where we’ve been able to build our own reports to extract charting/demographic data from Cerner.  While the tool is a bit limited in what data is available, we’ve been able to pull necessary information for those who have contacted us directly for assistance thus far.  Now that we are more comfortable with the tool and creating ad hoc reports, I wanted to reach out to all Clinical Specialists to let you all know we are available to assist with any data collection project you may need help with (either personal or resident-related).


Feel free to submit any request for such reports to  When submitting a request, please be as specific as possible (Data elements requested to include/Patient demographics requested/Defined time period of report/Patient Facility or Location, etc.).  We may ask for a discussion if any element is unclear, and it might take a few iterations to refine the report, but we are happy to help however we can.


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