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9/23/22 cs Omnipaque 240 Shortage
September 28, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2022 3:35:32 PM
Subject: Re: Omnipaque 240 Shortage


Good afternoon,
Omnipaque 240 remains on critical backorder with limited quantities available. 

All of our remaining stock has been removed from Pyxis and the carousel at HH Main and will be given to the Radiology Department. 
The Radiology Department will decide how they want to use their supply of Omnipaque 240 on a case by case basis.

To simplify the verification process, you may verify any orders for PO Omnipaque 240 in adult patients. This product has been added as 'floorstock' for all inpatient units at HH Main and HWC (minus 4S-E and PEDSED), which defaults initial doses to zero and no labels will print. 
The verifying pharmacist will then need to contact the Prescriber or Nurse to inform them to contact the Radiology Department at 58236.
Omnipaque 240 will only be supplied by the Radiology Department at Main.
Let me know if you have any questions.

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