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9/27/22 nm Valproate Injection
September 28, 2022

From: "Nellie McKee" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 3:18:24 PM
Subject: Valproate Injection


Fellow Pharmacists,
We have managed to secure a modest supply of Valproate Injection; unfortunately we still do not know when we will receive more or be able to go back to normal usage. That being said there are now a FEW situations where Valproate Injection can be used in a LIMITED amount of patients...
Continuation of home valproic acid/Depakote/etc, by any provider, in which the gut can not be accessed or used for greater than 24-48hr
Initiation by Neurology in patients whom they are unable to control seizures in (meaning looking at the MAR you see they have tried at least two agents). After 24-48hr they will need to switch to oral option, UNLESS gut can not be accessed or is not functioning.
All other orders for Valproate Injection need to be called back to MD and have changed to oral option (there are pills and suspension available)
Let me know if there are any questions.
If it is the case of being unable to give oral agents other IV seizure med options are Dilantin/Fosphenytoin, Vimpat, Keppra, & Phenobarb. All of these can be used in non-intubated and floor patients

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