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9/22/22 ef PSP Production of Backordered Items
September 27, 2022

From: "Eric Franks Pharmacy" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2022 7:56:06 AM
Subject: PSP Production of Backordered Items


Good Morning All,
I have received word that pharmacists are asking if they can be made aware of backordered items that PSP is currently producing in order to better help answer questions and verify orders.
Below is a list of medications that PSP is producing in an effort to navigate some of these shortages.
It is a lot of information, so please let me know if you have questions.
Epinephrine 0.2 mg/0.3 mL syringes for OR kits:
PSP is making 100 epi syringes each Monday and Friday for OR kits.
Pharmacists in the Q area have been receiving questions from nursing staff about how much epi they need to use from the syringe.
The amount used is up to the provider, not pharmacy. Please direct them to the provider overseeing their specific procedure.
Omnipaque syringes:
GMT Pain: 120 syringes (2.5 mL of Omnipaque in a 5 mL syringe)
GMT Surgery: 40 syringes (5 mL of Omnipaque in a 10 mL syringe)
Angio: 20 syringes (5 mL of Omnipaque in a 10 mL syringe)
GMT Pain: 120 syringes (2.5 mL of Omnipaque in a 5 mL syringe)
GMT Surgery: 40 syringes (5 mL of Omnipaque in a 10 mL syringe)
Angio: 20 syringes (5 mL of Omnipaque in a 10 mL syringe)

Friday: Syringes will be made at BMT
GMT Pain: 60 syringes (2.5 mL of Omnipaque in a 5 mL syringe)
GMT Surgery: 20 syringes (5 mL of Omnipaque in a 10 mL syringe)
Angio: 20 syringes (5 mL of Omnipaque in a 10 mL syringe)
In case you get any questions on Omnipaque syringes, most areas use 5 mL of Omnipaque during their procedures (except for GMT Pain who uses 2.5 mL of Omnipaque).
PSP is only handling Omnipaque 300 mgI/mL. We are not utilizing Omnipaque 240 mgI/mL vials.
PSP also does not store Omnipaque vials. The different procedural areas are providing Omnipaque vials for PSP to utilize.
The procedural areas are getting their supply of Omnipaque vials from Brad Pounders, not PSP.
Precedex syringes:
PSP produces 95 Precedex syringes each Thursday. Each syringe will contain 5 mL of Precedex.
50% Dextrose syringes:
PSP produces 60 dextrose syringes (25 g in 50 mL) as they are needed.
20 of those syringes are being sent to W&C Pharmacy for use each Monday.
PSP tries to keep a minimum of 30 dextrose syringes on hand at any given time so that they can be sent from PSP quickly.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I hope I covered everything, but I can send out additional information if I have left anything out.
Thank you all for your continued hard work. I know these shortages can be overwhelming. We appreciate you all so much!

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