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8/31/22 ksv ANES/PEDANES Power Plan Updates
September 15, 2022

From: "Katie Sims Varner" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 3:28:18 PM
Subject: ANES/PEDANES Power Plan Updates TOMORROW


Starting tomorrowSept 1st, we will be transitioning back to PHASED anesthesia power plans. This includes the ANES Anesthesia Orders Phased & PEDANES Anesthesia Orders Phased power plans. Please see attached drafts for details. Note: there have been numerous updates on the adult power plan including pain medication optimization (added frailty dosing options and half dose options for certain PACU scenarios) as well as new options for emend, methadone, and xopenex (no sub). We've also optimized max doses and filtering on the peds plan. 
We will be wiping out all of the current favorites for these plans, so they have to start fresh. If you notice any issues, please let me or know ASAP!! We need to get these corrected before they start favoriting and going viral.  

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