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9/1/22 aa Sending meds home with patients - important change
September 15, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 7:23:18 AM
Subject: RE: sending meds home with patients - important change


A few additional notes:

  1. Since albuterol inhaler is the most likely product to be dispensed to the ED with the intention of taking home, we have updated the default dispense category for this product to be ‘PASSMED’ so that a printed label for albuterol will consistently contain the necessary information for the patient to take home the product.  The label associated with the ‘PASSMED’ dispense category is not being altered and will have proper labelling for the patient to take home the product.
  2. If there is a request to send home an inhaler product from the ED other than an albuterol MDI, a “PassMed” action can be performed on the given order by Pharmacists only. This action creates a new/separate order that defaults a ‘PASSMED’ dispense category regardless of the previous dispense category assigned to the order.  Please keep in mind that doing this action does charge the patient (both PASSMED and BULK Dispense Categories are Charge on Dispense), so it would be best to dispense a new product with the appropriate label instead of attempting to re-label a product previously dispensed for institutional use only.
  3. Please continue to use the “,uad” quick text for Order Comments on all dispensed BULK products.  This may be re-evaluated at a future date, but the alert text for now will still show reminding the verifying pharmacist to add these instructions.


Note: Verification for orders within the Pediatric ED at HWC currently have a unique workflow from HH Main/Madison and will have additional instructions specific to BULK products dispensed to the Peds ED. This will be communicated to the appropriate verification staff.  Please reach out to Cappy Heyward or Katie Vandiver if you have any specific questions regarding the Peds ED workflow of these BULK products.


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