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8/31/22 je Paxlovid for Inpatient Use
September 15, 2022

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 10:40:49 AM
Subject: Re: Paxlovid for Inpatient Use



As many of you are aware, the Alabama State Board of Pharmacy does not allow for the hospital to send home medications that are left over from an inpatient admission. This primarily impacts inhalers, creams, and other bulk medication products. However, Paxlovid also falls into this category as a patient may not have finished the entire 5-day treatment course prior to discharge.

The HH pharmacy department petitioned the board to exclude Paxlovid from this ruling, but they did not allow for this exception.  This means we will no longer be able to provide Paxlovid to inpatients starting on 9/1/22. Below are a few options we have available if you receive an order for Paxlovid starting on 9/1/22:
  1. Recommend using 3-day remdesivir to the provider for patients with mild-moderate COVID-19, if they meet our criteria (requires ID consult)
  2. If a patient was previously receiving Paxlovid prior to admission, the patient can use their own home supply as long as the prescriber writes an order stating the patient can use their home medication in the hospital
  3. A provider can write a prescription for Paxlovid that the family can take to be filled at an outpatient pharmacy. It can then be brought to the hospital for the patient to use their own home medication as long as the prescriber writes an order stating the patient can use their own home medication in the hospital
We have educated the infectious diseases, hospitalists, and emergency department providers of this change. If you encounter any issues please let us know. If something comes up after hours, the COVID hotline is still active. (If no one answers, please leave a message and I will return your call ASAP.)

We are investigating other options for inpatient Paxlovid and I will update the group as I have more information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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