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8/26/22 bs Sending meds home with patients - important change
August 29, 2022

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 2:39:31 PM
Subject: sending meds home with patients - important change


It's come to our attention that the Alabama Board of Pharmacy does not permit medications dispensed from our inpatient pharmacies to be sent home with patients. It is acceptable for medications dispensed by Outpatient Pharmacy or Meds to Beds to leave with the patient, however. 

We've been working through our multiple processes where we are out of compliance with the regulations. Below I'll share the education going out to nursing, as well as the situations we're currently addressing. 

Nursing education:

Effective 9/1/22:

Per the Alabama Board of Pharmacy: Medications retrieved from Pyxis or from inpatient pharmacy can only be used by a patient while admitted to the hospital or ED.

Medications cannot be sent home with a patient upon discharge from any area unless the medication was dispensed by HH retail pharmacy, the Meds to Beds program, is an OTC or device (such as medicated dressing), or was brought in as the patient’s own med. 

Medications include inhalers, creams or ointments, liquid medications or other bulk meds. Any medication that is “left over” must be discarded by nursing when the patient vacates the room at discharge. Inhalers may be disposed of in the trash.

EXCEPTION: At this time, properly labeled inhalers in use by a patient in ED may be sent with patient upon ED discharge.



Issues being addressed. Please keep in mind most of these issues are still being worked out. Details and instructions will be shared as decisions are made. Some issues will not be resolved by 9/1, but we'll do our best. 

-- Inpatient MDIs: Wasted by nurse in trash as patient vacates room. Trash is permitted because all HH trash is incinerated. MDIs in pharmacy are to be wasted in green bin. Policy being adjusted. 

-- Meds from ED: Continue to dispense inhalers (all type inhalers per ALBOP) from all EDs until ALBOP makes a final ruling. STOP sending home all other medications. Use HH retail during open hours.

-- HHWC Eye kit: Katie and HHWC OR leadership working on the details.

-- Paxlovid: DENIED by ALBOP. Dana working to dispense to inpatient, treat as patient own med. NOTE: Paxlovid will stop on 9/1 while OP pharmacy works to get approval from state to carry Paxlovid. 3-day Remdesivir will be used in the interim. More info to come.

-- OPSUMIT and ADEMPAS: Not much to do but to get specialty order entered as early as possible. Gregg and Jill working on process. 

-- Discharge facilitation, indigent and otherwise: During OP pharmacy hours, meds to be dispensed from HH, even to Madison (courier deliver to patient). After hours, at this point patient will have to stay admitted. Regardless, this process is mainly driven by Case Management. Always pull them in (they have 24 hours on call).

-- Discharge IVs: Continuum will provide medication. Case Management will handle, always include them. 

-- Body Fluid Exposure (needle sticks): Meds will not be supplied by central pharmacy. Have employee contact CompOne or Employee Health for alternatives. 

Let me or your supervisor know if you have any questions. More details will be shared before go-live. 

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