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8/25/22 bb MIDAZOLAM IM - Acute Agitation Protocol Update
August 26, 2022

From: "Brian Boyett" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 2:18:37 PM
Subject: MIDAZOLAM IM - Acute Agitation Protocol Update


At P&T this week, MIDAZOLAM IM was approved by the Committee to be added to the Behavioral Health Acute Agitation Powerplan (attached). Please note that this should only be utilized in the event that both the lorazepam and diazepam injections are unavailable.  While the midazolam IV remains restricted to ICUs and procedural areas, there is no such restriction for midazolam IM. Per Steven's email, we just received a shipment of diazepam injection so this option should not be utilized immediately. However, since this update is now live in Production, I wanted to make sure you all were aware of the change. If you have any questions please reach out to your supervisor or anyone on the Drug Information team. 

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