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8/18/22 cs HH Main Pain Center and Counterpart Adjustment
August 26, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2022 1:21:41 PM
Subject: HH Main Pain Center and Counterpart Adjustment

See this attachment


Starting Monday, 8/22, we are going to test out having the Pain Center order verification responsibilities shared between the OPM pharmacist and the Q3 position Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, the UB 1 will be the Pain Center Assist for OPM.
The Q3 and UB 1 positions will need to target the "PAIN Procedure orders" for coverage support. The OPM pharmacist will continue to be the primary pharmacist covering for the Pain Center. 
There are two new PPMs to help with this verification workflow throughout the week. 

New PPMs:
(Q3) - HH Main Q Pain Center OPM
(UB 1 on Friday) - PILOT HH Main UB 1 Pain
Counterpart and Lunch Coverage Update:
UB 1 UB 8
UB 2 UB 6
OPM (Friday) Qs (Q1, Q2, Q4)
We will pair the UB 1 with the UB 8 and the UB 2 with the UB 6 given the recent office changes. So you will contact your new counterpart daily to determine lunches and if they need any assistance with consults, etc. 
OPM's lunch will now be covered by the Q pharmacists Monday thru Friday. The "te" will no longer cover OPM lunch on Fridays. 
Note: On Friday, the UB 8 can use the PILOT HH Main UB 1 to cover for the UB 1 lunch. No need to use the New PILOT UB 1 Pain PPM since OPM's lunch is covered by the Q pharmacists. 
The deployment documents will be updated accordingly. Additionally, we are working to add a column to indicate which PPMs each position utilizes throughout their shift for more clarity and training purposes. 

Let me know if you notice any issues or have questions regarding the workflow.

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