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8/11/22 bs Discrepancies and drug testing
August 16, 2022

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:29:39 AM
Subject: discrepancies and drug testing


Much effort has been dedicated this past year to improve and solidify multi-disciplinary policies and algorithms designed to prevent narcotic diversion. As you can imagine, there are many regulations and requirements involved in the management of controlled substances. You will all soon be educated on the policies, but in the meantime, I want to make sure each of you understands the process that takes place when we have a narcotic discrepancy.
A discrepancy occurs when a narcotic is unaccounted for... this can take place at Pyxis, CIISafe, OR/Anesthesia, IV areas, retail areas, and more. An investigation takes place immediately following discovery in an effort to locate the missing product. When it's been determined that the drug can't be found and we have missing narcotic, the DEA is alerted, and those involved in the interaction are drug tested. 
The drug test takes place in Employee Health. The initial test is for a panel of narcotics, including THC (marijuana, CBD oil, Delta-8, etc). If the employee tests positive for any drug on the panel, not just the drug that is missing, the sample is sent off for conclusive testing. At this point, pharmacy employees will not be permitted to work until the specific test has returned. If the test is negative, the employee returns to work. If the test is positive for any drug on the panel, the findings will be reported to HR, Employee Assistance, Pharmacy Director, and the Alabama Board of Pharmacy. The employee will not be permitted to return to work until approved to do so by HR and the ALBOP. Please understand, being licensed/registered with ALBOP makes this situation complicated and will require hearings with the board to determine next steps.
IMPORTANT: Marijuana is not legal in the state of Alabama. If an employee tests positive for THC, it is considered a violation of law and hospital policy. Please be aware that CBD in it's various forms, Delta-8, and other substances can lead to a positive THC test, which is a failed drug test. In this event, there are no legal excuses (visited state where legal, take CBD for medical reason, etc.) and the employee will either comply with Employee Assistance and ALBOP to seek assistance/rehabilitation, or the employee will be terminated. 
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or to your supervisor.

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