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8/5/22 cs HH Main Deployment Updates
August 12, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022 1:17:41 PM
Subject: HH Main Deployment Updates


1.) Weekend "tED": We will continue to have a "t" position in addition to the "tED" on the weekends while we see how this pilot behaves. The schedule now reflects this adjustment. 
2.) 7T on weekends: Order verification will remain with the "Qw" on weekends while we review the "tED" pilot and as we determine which position is best suited for the unit. Please note: 7T Sentri7s will be assigned to the UB 4 on the weekends for now. Please adjust your filters accordingly. The weekend deployment document has been updated. 
3.) Lunch Coverage and ASCOMs: When taking lunch as the UB 1-8 M-F, please make sure to either forward your ACSOMs to your counterpart pharmacist or pass along your ASCOM to them. The Call center is having a hard time getting up with the appropriate pharmacist(s) during lunch. When collapsed, the UB 7 can forward down to central and the "te" will manage the calls (Please make the Center Console tech aware). Let me know if you have questions on how to call forward with your ASCOMs. I've included office numbers on the deployment documents as an additional contact number. 
Thanks everyone for your patience as we navigate through our pilots. If there are any questions regarding responsibilities or deployment please let me know. 

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