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06/20/17 BG -- FDA extends expiration dates on select boxed emergency syringes

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 10:51 AM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: FDA extends expiration dates on select boxed emergency syringes
Importance: High


IMPORTANT: Any boxed emergency syringes that are expired or near expiration date are to be given/sent to Keith. This includes both Hospira and IMS brands. He will be holding these to see if they have received or will receive extended dating.
Thanks, Becky

Additional information:

Updated Use dates – Due to the ongoing critical shortages of injectable drugs used in critical care, the FDA is alerting health care professionals and emergency responders of updated dates through which some of these injectable drugs, manufactured by Hospira Inc, a Pfizer company, may be used beyond the manufacturer’s labeled expiration date.

Additional FDA information on the shortage

Guidance on managing shortages – American Society of Health System Pharmacists

Earlier guidance from the Association for State and Territorial Health Officials on managing shortages of emergency medications

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