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7/26/22 ksv Electrolyte Protocol Updates
July 27, 2022

From: "Katie Sims Varner" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 3:14:36 PM
Subject: Electrolyte Protocol Updates


The HOSP Adult Electrolyte Protocol updates are currently live in PROD! In addition to the updated HOSP Electrolyte Replacement ORDERS power plan to be used by nursing, the corresponding PROTOCOL orders were also updated. The new HOSP protocol orders will end with 2022.07.21. It's important that we have the correct protocol order on the patient's profile for TJC compliance/auditing purposes. 

Many hours were spent converting these orders today (thanks to all who helped!!), so hopefully we got everyone. If you notice a patient with the old orders, please take the time to convert them to the new protocol using the HOSP Electrolyte Replacement PROTOCOL power plan. Make sure you pay attention to the details on the magnesium and potassium orders, in case they had non-standard protocol instructions. You can enter the new orders and discontinue the old orders using the same prescriber that originally ordered them with "No Cosign Required". Note: this update did NOT include pediatrics or the CVICU Electrolyte Protocol Orders. 

Thanks for your assistance! Please let me know if you have any questions or issues.

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