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7/22/22 jr Adult Electrolyte Protocol changes upcoming - July 26
July 27, 2022

From: "Jerry Robinson Pharm.D." <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Katie Varner" <>
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2022 3:00:00 PM
Subject: Adult Electrolyte Protocol changes upcoming - July 26


Some big changes are happening to the ADULT electrolyte protocol orders in Cerner on Tuesday July 26.  
What's new:
- Selections available for keeping Potassium or Magnesium greater than 4 mMol/L and 2 mg/dL, respectfully. 
- New SCr cut off for potassium treatment on NON-dialysis or CRRT patients; SCr now up to 3 can receive a bolus if ordered
- Graduated dosing of potassium based on SCr, either 40 mEq or 20 mEq based on SCr.
- Hemodialysis patients may receive phosphorus bolus with the updated protocol, 15 mmol
- If receiving hemodialysis AND nephrologist ordered electrolyte replacements, potassium can be bolused without calling nephrologist
- The beginning lines of the Adult electrolyte replacement orders have been updated (the first page) to make selecting "Routine", 'Hemodialysis' or "CRRT" easier and more noticeable. 
Katie Varner has created a video for all users to review the electrolyte protocol changes that can be found through NetLearning:
E-PH6410722 Electrolyte Protocol Updates
The CBL is not required but is recommended.
Please let Katie Varner or myself know of any issues you notice as soon as possible.  

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